Studio Fontana

Positioning the Body as a Learning Tool:
 A Conversation on Sport and Queer Pedagogies (2021)


The publication Situationer Workbook / Situationer Cookbook connects to recent research around transformative pedagogy in socially engaged art and art education. It comes from the impetus to go back to the drawing board, in order to imagine other possible perspectives on learning and education. Co-written as a dialogue script between sport philosopher Nathanja van Den Heuvel and social designer Gabriel Fontana, this essay unpacks findings from the Multiform project and their collaborative wider research on sport and queer pedagogies.


To understand how sport operates as an important site of knowledge production, with regard to how identity is constructed and social norms are learned and reproduced.


The project makes a case, both on a practical and a theoretical level, for embodied forms of play as a site for building reflective capacities to counteract forms of exclusion that are otherwise taken for granted.

  • Cover of the Situationer Workbook / Situationer Cookbook designed by Hardworking Goodlooking, 2021.
  • Launching event of the publication at Melly, presentation by Michelle Teran, Rotterdam, 2021.
  • Launching event of the publication at Melly, Rotterdam, 2021.
  • Contribution by Nathanja van den Heuvel and Gabriel Fontana, 2021.
  • Contribution by Nathanja van den Heuvel and Gabriel Fontana, 2021.
  • Situationer Workbook / Situationer Cookbook publications, launching event of the publication at Melly, Rotterdam, 2021.